Public Transport Redesign for Covid

What is the problem?

One of the most difficult issues during the Covid pandemic is public transport. It is an essential service that the entire population must have access to it, but there is an increased risk of COVID-19 transmission on public transport.

Because most of the time it’s crowded inside the trains, people are in close contact with each other and also they are sharing enclosed airspace without having proper air circulation.

User Research

Based on the collected data through the research, survey, interviews, and observation the main concern about using the public transport during the covid is the crowd in the train.


To solve the problem, I designed a” live occupancy status” system. The system shows the occupancy of every train so people can schedule their trip in advance by using the application. The system also guides passengers on the platform and inside the train to avoid an unequal train load by using the red, green, and yellow lights located above the train doors and on the ground. The colors show the safety level of each train car based on the occupancy status, green is the safest, and red has a higher risk of COVID transmission.

Along with the live occupancy system, I designed the entire journey through public transport to make it as safe as possible for the passenger.


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